For the Cardiovascular system's health
The Cardiovascular herbal tea improves the cardiovascular system function. Our tea contains plants that have been specifically measured and combined using our know-how, to help and support the heart pumping function with a healthy blood flow. It promotes healthy cholesterol levels and normalizes artery and capillary integrity, strengthens the heart and vascular system maintaining a healthy blood circulation in the body.
More information (the product showcase opens in a new window)
How to use this herbal tea: In a empty cup put a tablespoon of the mix leaves and add boiling water, then let it rest for 30 minutes before consuming. Drink one third of the cup three times a day before meals.
All FitoBalt® teas are healthy, totally safe and very effective for their specific purposes; most importantly - always 100% natural!
Cardiovascular tea - to improve the system's function
Packaging info
Nutritional info
Product packaging: The bag contains loose leaves with approximately 50 grams weight
Total weight per pack: 90grams
Format: Dry leaves